We present to you the fourth instalment of our “JOTE in conversation” series, where we ask Leo Tiokhin about Red Team Market and his career.
We will welcome submissions for registered reports (RRs)! We see moves to publishing RRs as part of a broader, cultural move in academia towards more rigorous and transparent research.
Philosophers teach us that science is drenched in values, but what does this mean for science communication? Editor Marcel reflects on what values mean for his earlier work on clinical trials.
In recent attempts to reform research assesment, metrics have explicitly become “incentives”. Yet, the Dutch debate about this transition focussed on the wrong elements.
More and more researchers pay processing costs for publishing in Open Access, but these costs disadvantage authors who are female, early in their career or, from low-income countries.
We should beware of using Ariely and others as scapegoats. Rather than dwelling on the moral failings of individual researchers, we might reframe fraud and misconduct as a systemic problem.
So if you ask, ‘who’s responsible?’ The truth is that everybody’s pointing but nobody is doing anything.
On February 6, the Open Science Community Utrecht (OSCU) organized a symposium on Open Science at the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University.
Vorige week presenteerde minister Van Engelshoven haar langverwachte ‘Strategische Agenda voor het hoger onderwijs en onderzoek’.
When I first heard the term “open science” and realized what it meant, I thought, well, that sounds good, how hard can it be?
One of our first alliances was with the Open Science Community Utrecht (OSCU). Stefan was already a member, so it was relatively easy for him to come into contact with the founders of OSCU.